180 Win - The Ooma Small Business Podcast
180 Win is a podcast that shares stories and insights from small business warriors who met a certain challenge by shifting their approach, and came out on top. Now more than ever, small business owners know that in order to succeed it’s necessary to stay agile and flexible. Our episodes cover relevant topics through real-life inspiring stories that will educate and inspire. Visit us at: Ooma.com.
180 Win - The Ooma Small Business Podcast
Successfully leaping from paycheck to project work | Adrienne Gould
Season 1
Episode 5
Adrienne Gould started her mechanical engineering business ADICOT, Inc, after she worked at Lucent and Bell Labs and taught at a Jr. College for 2 years. She describes how she eased her way into starting her business after receiving inspiration from the book Good to Great. Learn how she automates her workflow processes to stay organized, save time, and replicate the processes for future projects.